Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jackie Kay ”Owl” Essay

The faint, almost invisible, line between child and adult, carefree and responsible, becomes more and more blurry and grey the closer you get to it. First, it is said that you reach adulthood and step into the real world, when you confirm your faith in God, but thrusting that threshold yourself, you just know you are not yet an adult. So then, you postpone it until the age of 18. By then you should be starting your career, or at least have an idea of where you are going, and more importantly you are now legally an adult, with the right to vote and take care of others, but also with the hard realities of facing up to your mistakes. Coming to terms with who you are as you grow up and as an adult is not always the easiest thing. The short story â€Å"Owl† by Jackie Kay treats exactly this subject, of whom you end out to be, and what things you choose to hold on to in life. Jackie Kay chooses in her story to make use of the first-person narrator, and this makes it easier as a reader to identify yourself with the main character Anita. The reader reminisces to own childhood memories and feel like they are in close contact with Anita’s feelings, almost as if they were the reader’s own. When Anita tells her story, she does so by starting out in a flashback from her childhood, with the memory that started it all. The time she went on holiday with her parents and Marion and hers, and they first discovered the screeching barn owl, which would become the foundation for their lifelong friendship. This use of flashback gives the reader a more precise conception of who Anita was as a child, and what made her Barn. As most children Barn was selfish and unable to sympathize. She was not held back by leaving out Sandra when it came to who caused the crowd, and keen neither on giving her an owl-related nickname to include her or even changing her own. When it came to telling white lies to uphold the sacredness of her and Tawny’s new best friendship, she did so without the blink of an eye. As Barn retells the stories of their childhood she leaves little comments, which tells the reader that the pettiness and uncompromising attitude she possessed as a child is no longer with her. She has made a development from child to adult, even though she cannot see it  herself. She notices and analyzes, as she retells, the feelings she put Sandra through by excluding her. This also indicates the change she has made from her age of ten until her forty’s; in spite her own lack of recognizing it. It is later on revealed that the same holiday where Barn and Tawny discovered the barn owl, they also found out that their parents had swapped. This collision of two worlds and confusion over splitting parents keeps coming up in Barns mind. She tells Tawny that she cannot stop thinking about that summer, and at first, one might think that this has to do with the owl that tied their friendship together. However, when looking closer you will realize that her own recent split from a man causes her lingering to this memory. It is briefly brought up by her and Tawny but not really spoken of, which is caused by Barn’s conflicting emotions from her parents split. On one hand, their splitting brought her closer to her best friend and gave her something consistent in her life that she knew would never fail her. On the other, she is scared to be alone, and taking over all the responsibility for herself, becoming an adult. Therefore, she leans on Tawny to be the only trusty thing in her life. The owl in this story seem to have significant meaning to the friendship between Barn and Tawny, and while the owl does symbolize the friendship and the passage between child and grownup, it holds a deeper and more hidden meaning. It symbolizes the burden they have both been carrying on their shoulders ever since that night where they found out about their parents. They have never talked about it and the ignorance of what happened and insecurity about love that followed, all of which yet unexplained, is a contributor to Barns insecurity about who she is even now in her forty’s. As they talk about it and decide to move on they both wake up feeling like the weight have been lifted of their shoulders. And this sweet release is exactly what the heron by the Mersey river resembles. The burden flying away, soaring up, up, up in the sky releasing them from their agony, and taking them back to the simplicity of childhood. Therefore, it seems to be the owl that catches them, brings them in while it is yet another bird, the heron, that is bound to set them free. Tawny’s last comment on how Barn will soon need her wings is Jackie Kay’s way of saying that life is not over just because, you are middle-aged, or you split from your partner or your parents get divorced. Life is only just begun, and I believe that this is the message that Jackie Kay wishes to leave the reader with. You cannot, you must not let the bad things bring you down. Cause if you let them do that then how are supposed to fly?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How Women are portrayed in society and how sexism plays a role Essay

Sexism may be defined as a negative response to a threat that is either real or imagined. In society today sexism plays a major role in terms of image, reputations, and perceptions of how women are portrayed in the media and life in general. The media relatively plays an influential role in sexism against women since the media has predetermined standards of what women should be like. Women base their expectations of society and more importantly, expectations of themselves, by what they see around them. All of us consume the media in one form or another the media sends us images that we consciously or subconsciously absorb, and create a picture in our minds of â€Å"reality†, the way we believe things should be. This also affects men also since there are certain expectations that they have to live up to. The media, entertainment icons, and school cooperatively exhibit and promote gender assimilation, although there are certain standards that men and women must live up to. The media and entertainment icons especially, hold a strong influence on women’s perspective on themselves, especially teenage girls who are going through the awkward stages of their life. Britney Spears is one of the several popular icons in the entertainment industry that plays an influential role in young women lives across the globe. While she’s making millions of dollars from touring and selling albums, she’s influencing the vulnerable minds of women and their perception of themselves. She’s also setting standards in the from her teenage fan base perspective since they idolize her. Adolescent girls start to obsess over the fact that they have to try to look like Britney Spears by buying similar clothing she wears and constantly worry about their weight since Britney Spears pictures in the magazine looks makes it look like she’s skinny. What they can’t seem to comprehend is that most of the time people who have their pictures in the magazines are airbrushed 95% of the time to perfect the flaws that person has. Therefore, girls are going to start to get the impression that they must look like that individual that the magazine promotes. The masterminds behind the propaganda of Britney Spears’ reputation are the executives at the record company. They figure that since young women are very vulnerable to the fact that their self-esteem is capable of being influenced by someone’s image or actions. Executives know in order to make  money off of Britney Spears; they try molding her into a typical young woman so teenagers can relate to her as a person and image. To accomplish this, they know that Britney can be innovated by promoting certain clothing and doing certain things. In the long run not only the record company is making a profit from this but the clothing stores/companies are benefiting from it too. When it comes down to wanting to look like Britney Spears, adolescents think they have to look like her because of the way she looks and how small her clothes are. Fashion trends and clothing styles, in particular, significantly aid the social construction of gender, especially women. The mere presence of a standard for the judgment of beauty automatically designates some group to be in control of the other. This causes individuals to constantly judge one another to make sure that they fit into the correct gender classification. Trendy, hip clothing are made for a very specific, minority group of women- narrow-hipped, small-breasted, tall, and skinny. The pressure to fit into these styles of clothes is unrelenting and produces insecurities and a poor self-perception. These adolescent anxieties are not uncommon and can produce eating disorders, depression, and suicide. Self-esteem is very important for both men and women because it helps them define who they are as a person mentally and physically. High standards that are being portrayed in the media make us self-consciously aware of how we’re supposed to look like in real life. The new diet trends such as south beach, the zone, and Atkins diet are forcing us to think that we need to lose weight in order to be a suitable size. Also new technologies that are being created to prolong youthful appearances also put an impression on the society that it’s not appropriate to age. Diets and aging to aside, celebrities that are thin and youthful that meet the alleged â€Å"beauty standards† of modern society conveys a message to adolescents and women that it is â€Å"wrong† to be a certain size or have a particular image. In the long run this speeds up the process of adolescents, men and women in general to develop some sort of eating disorder or depression due to low self-esteem . The media forces this upon us to see this and absorb this into our minds, and form somewhat a distorted mentality of ourselves. Eating disorders are one of the most common problems among adolescents in our society. Individuals who lack a good self-esteem are prone to influences of  perfection, when in reality there is no such thing as being perfect. Images of women and men in the media that are almost always young, thin, muscular and highly attractive and which is not the norm. This is what they strive to become, many become miserable in the process. Normal body features bodily changes – such as putting on weight, getting older, having underarm and leg hair, having pimples or having small breasts – are shown to be highly undesirable, and even abnormal. These body enhancements procedures can sometimes be fatal and lead to death. An individual shouldn’t have to go through the matters of life and death risks just to change a minor imperfection about them. Women and men are constantly made to feel that they are ‘not good enough’, and that they should take corrective measures to improve themselves and their bodies to be closer to the norm which could lead to psychological and emotional harm, as well as eating disorders in some women who are obsessed with changing their bodies in order to look desirable and to â€Å"be accepted† in society. The general public begins to accept these standards and assimilate this into their morals. The individual in the society start to believe what the media says about what they think is right. This is when sexism and racism come into play. They start to use impractical standards against other people and start to judge them based on what they look like. Men and women in the society are greatly affected by this since they have to deal with their social peers. In order to fit in they try to perfect themselves and change the way they look by following the latest trends and values. Unfortunately, in our society today people continue to pass judgment on others and not give that person a chance to make their first impression. In conclusion, I feel that people shouldn’t pay attention to irrational standards that are going to make their lives miserable. Despite the media’s and the public standards of perfection, a person should be happy with who they are regardless of how they look. Instead of striving to fix their smallest flaws by going through extreme measures such as starving themselves to stay thin or going through cosmetic surgery to maintain a youthful and attractive appearance, they should accept their imperfections and be happy with who they are. The society has these standards to define themselves as a  person. Sometimes these standards are created to put stereotypes on genders in order to characterize who they are. I feel that these standards shouldn’t exist and that each individual should go by their own standards.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The war in syria and its consequences on lebanon Research Paper

The war in syria and its consequences on lebanon - Research Paper Example lion attacks during the war hence making it further impossible for the people in Syria to access basic amenities like school and hospitals (White, 15). At the same time, the warring parties assaulted civilians by using mass weapons for destruction like chemical guess. Following that, there have been a great number of Syrians moving out of the country to Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt and Lebanon. Lebanon became home to a large number of refugees from Syria owing to the fact that it has the longest border with Syria. Following that, Lebanon has been an integral player as a consequence of the dynamics of the war in Syria (Barnes-Dacey, 15). This paper will tackle the issues that have arisen following the upsurge of refugees in the Lebanon borders and Lebanon as a country. At the same time, the paper will tackle various aspects in relation to the effect of the Syria’s civil war on Lebanon. Government instability following divided support of the war in Syria, which has been instigated by the fact that in the top leadership of the Lebanon, both pro - al Assad and pro - rebel groups do exist. The part will involve a brief information on the war in Syria siting its effects and causes. At the same time, the section will shade light on the role of Lebanon in the war, bringing out the reason as to why it plays an integral role in the Syrian war. In addition, the section will seek to understand the relationship that has been in place between Syria and Lebanon over a couple of years. This is important in determining the dynamics of the relationship of the two countries from pre-war and during the warring time. This paper will establish the importance the information obtained from the study on the international point of view about the war. At the same time the paper will highlight the importance of the information on both the Syrian and Lebanon authorities. Perhaps this will make them make better decisions that might help in mitigating the effects of the war. Lastly, it

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Influence of Cultural Tourism and Urban Tourism in the tourism Essay

The Influence of Cultural Tourism and Urban Tourism in the tourism industry in Newcastle, UK - Sequel - Essay Example It is of crucial significance to note that Newcastle City is rich in culture and traditions. This follows the diversity in populations as well as the diversity in human behavior, beliefs as well as traditions. In this regard, it is important to highlight that Newcastle City is rich in both cultural tourism as well as urban tourism (Deborah and Amie, 2013). Urban tourism in Newcastle is world class. It is of crucial significance to note that Newcastle city draws many tourists due to the diversity of cultures as well as tourist attraction sites located within (Melaine, 2007). In Newcastle, Urban tourism is promoted by such tourist attraction sites including Tyne Bridges, Quayside, Castle Keep and Chares. In addition, Grey’s Monument and Jesmond Dene promote urban tourism in Newcastle (Melaine, 2007). The other key contributor to urban tourism in Newcastle is the issue of Cultural Tourism. Cultural tourism in Newcastle has significantly contributed to increased tourism activities in the City. Cultural tourism has massively contributed towards enhancing urban tourism in the city of Newcastle in various ways (Deborah and Amie, 2013). Cultural tourism has led to increased influx of populations from different corners of the world to pay visits to Newcastle in order to share some of the unique experiences in Newcastle City (Melaine, 2009). This has contributed greatly towards improving the city’s economy due to increased tourism activities. Some of the cultural activities in Newcastle responsible for commanding the increased cultural tourism include the luxurious nightlife in Newcastle. This has led to increasing influx of tourists who visit the city to feel the unique nightlife experiences thus raising the economy (Deborah and Amie, 2013). The beauty of the nightlife in Newcastle is vested in the diversity of nightclubs, pubs, bars and restaurants. These have specialized in offering world-class services to tourists thus

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Economic Integration within the EU Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Economic Integration within the EU - Essay Example (Arestis, P. et al 1999) DG ECFIN economists are playing vital role in the ongoing forward-looking review of the European Union single market that the European Commission is chalking out. The barriers still exist in the internal market of the Union. Which indicates that many benefits have yet to be realised The potential of the single market is to be contributed to a more dynamic, innovative and competitive EU From the economic perspective of the single market review, DG ECFIN analysts advised that it is time to move towards a more economics-based and results-oriented approach using the targeted monitoring of selected markets and sectors. It would bring real improvements to the operations of the single market. The objective is to realize the four freedoms enshrined in the treaty. . At present, this vision is a successful reality in many spheres. The individuals can live, work, study or retire in any EU country. The Consumers would have an extensive choice of products and services at lower prices. The businesses would have lower costs and more opportunities to flourish in a Europe of close to 500 million customers without internal boundaries. The expected gains for the EU economy from the single market inducts an extra 2.2% on GDP and more than 2.75 million jobs created between 1992 and 2006. The The single market may be deemed as a natural coefficient of economic and monetary union (EMU). The euro is not only substitutes the single market by removing the costs and inconveniences of multiple currencies, but it is also the concrete expression of the willingness of the euro-area Member States to work together within EMU. This is a strong, united and sustainable EU economy that can defend Europe's citizens against global catastrophe and turbulence. Many policies for a single market Using a constitutional political economy approach, this paper attempts to demonstrate that both the "principle of integrity" and the "principle of efficiency" of collective action appear to be violated by the European economic constitution. This occurs, respectively, because its provisions are not neutral, nor revisable, and because they do not sufficiently allow for the possibility of cooperative collective decision (leading to convergence in welfare) in a more than ever numerous and heterogeneous EU. Essential argument in this respect regards the implications of the structurally different economic performances and incentives of small and large countries under the European economic constitution. (Laurent, E., and Cacheux, J. L. (2005), From the very beginning, the single market mechanism was more important than an economic policy decision. The ongoing crucial negotiations on an EU patent to defend European innovations; and a common trade policy. It would gives flawless access to the single market for our global trade partners while promoting EU exports and our social and environmental standards globally. It was expected to launch a more dynamic, innovative and competitive EU economy. This has not materialized: economic growth in the EU, determined by GDP per capita, has been below that of the US over the last ten years. Fabienne Ilzkovitz, one of the report's authors, who clarifies the economic

Friday, July 26, 2019

Is Educating Rita a comedy of gender or social class Essay

Is Educating Rita a comedy of gender or social class - Essay Example The education she would receive there, she believes, would liberate and enlighten her; by way of which she hopes to move away from the social strata of her birth. Professor Frank Bryant, on the other hand, is a middle-aged alcoholic, who has no interest what so ever in his professorship. Instead he openly displays his melancholy and acts indifferent to the requirements of his work. So when these two characters from disparate social and economic backgrounds cross paths, new and interesting developments take place in both their lives. While comedy is used by the director as a suitable narrative implement, the recurrent theme is one based on class. In Educating Rita, â€Å"Ritas desire for self-discovery places her in conflict with her class background. She is, thus, a kind of female version of the 1950s scholarship boy whose involvement in education and middle-class culture inevitably takes her away from her social origins. In this respect, the film follows the older school of working- class films in placing particular emphasis upon cultural rather than economic divisions. Unlike many of the working-class films that follow it, there is little evidence of unemployment or poverty. What Rita (who is herself employed) aspires to escape is not so much economic hardship as cultural deprivation† (Kramp & Humphreys, 1993). It is true of Educating Rita too, that the British nation can stake out intellectual turf as they have always done with class warfare. Running all the way from Richard Sheridan through George Bernard Shaw and John Osborne, the theme of class-conflict has provided the staple of comedy of attitudes and manners. In Educating Rita, the lead characters Julie Walters and Michael Caine bring to screen contrasting but complementary kinds of energy. To their credit, the lead pair also makes life in British academia more interesting

The Commitment to Organizations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Commitment to Organizations - Research Paper Example Most researchers seem to emphasize the need for high employee commitment to the organization in order for organizational success to be secured. It has been also revealed that most organizations demand from their employees to be committed to the organization’s needs without giving a commitment in return. The lack of resources for providing such support seems to be the most common reason for the above phenomenon. Even under these terms, organizations could not justify their decision not to be committed to their employees, especially when they demand by their employees to be committed to the organization’s needs. 2. Commitment to organizations – characteristics and role 2.1 Description of commitment The identification of the role of commitment within modern organizations requires the understanding of the context of commitment, i.e. of its elements and characteristics, as developed in organizations of different sectors. Harper (2008) noted that organizational commitm ent could be described as ‘the commitment to an action that is consistent with the stated goals of the organization’ (Harper 2008, p.7). According to this view, the organizational commitment needs to meet a key criterion, meaning the promotion of the goals of the organization. Supporting organizational initiatives (plans or actions) which are not linked to the organization’s goals, cannot be characterized as a commitment but rather as support to the personal interests and aims of specific members of the organization. Mowday, Porter and Steers (1982) noted that ‘commitment is the relative strength of an individual’s identification with and involvement in a particular organization’ (Mowday, Porter and Steers 1982, cited by Allen and Wilburn, 2002, p.24). From a different point of view, Artley (2008) notes that commitment cannot be considered as equal to loyalty. Of course, those employees who are committed to their organization are also consider ed as being loyal to the particular organization, but not the vice versa. This view is aligned with that of Becker (1960), one of the first researchers who studied organizational commitment. According to Becker (1960), organizational commitment ‘is based on consistent behavior’ (Becker 1960, cited by Artley 2008, p.9), i.e. the behavior of employees that are aligned with organizational goals. Organizational commitment, in the above context, is not developed randomly; rather, employees become committed to the organization after linking their personal interests (such as pension plans or other benefits) with specific organizational activities (Becker 1960, p.32, cited by Artley 2008, p.10). From this point of view, organizational commitment is a mutual exchange, an issue that is discussed further in section 2.3 below. At the same time, Downs and Allyson (2004) note that organizational commitment is not depended on informal communication, as one could possibly expect.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Subprime Mortgage Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Subprime Mortgage Crisis - Essay Example However, what was more innovative in this whole episode is the fact that banks in order to hedge themselves against the high risk lending through secrutization. Securitization is a process of bundling or pooling the non-liquid assets into marketability securities. The idea is to recoup the liquidity lost through the sanctioning and disbursement of the loans to subprime borrowers.(Hunton & Williams LLP,2005). There are various ways through which the securitization can take place. Most of the times, financial institutions did so by creating Special Purpose Vehicles in order to enjoy off-balance sheet accounting not only to strenghten their balance sheets but keep the garbage out of it. The problem started when the subprime borrowers started to default on their repayments. These defaults created a chain reaction of events which first overtook the banks but subsequently created further economic problems for the economy. The above graphical representation suggests the two traditional models of the mortgages and how default in both the models can trigger further damage.1 Technically subprime mortgages become a problem when at the default of the payments by the borrowers; financial institutions face a mismatch in the cash flows. As defined earlier that most of the financial institutions attempted to regain the lost liquidity through securitization by creating mortgage backed securities to match the cash inflows from the mortgage payments with the cash outflows from the payments to be made against those mortgage backed securities. When the inflows stopped due to default by the subprime borrowers, financial institutions, in order to keep their ratings intact, started to pay out for their obligations out of other resources. This than started to create a credit crunch in the economy as those resources which were technically should have been used in more productive resources were being utilized in repaymen t of the mortgage backed securities. Thus the available credit to the organizations and firms decreased and hence their output and productivity level started to decrease which slowly and steadily put pressure on various other economic pressures and hence started one of the worst economic crisis of the century. It is believed that the subprime mortgage in United States stand at almost $1.3 trillion however it only comprises a small portion of the US GDP and many believe that at such small magnitude level, it may not impact the US economy as such. (Ramady, 2008). The future seems to be more bleak as one half to two thirds of the subprime loans are Adjustable rate mortgages means that the interest rates on those mortgages are going to increase when they fall due therefore there are estimations that more defaults are yet to come as at higher interest rates, the subprime borrowers may face further hardships to payback their due installments therefore it is feared that crisis are going to further aggravate rather than subside until and unless Federal Reserve Board (FED) does not

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

John Locke Second Treatise on Government vs. Voltaire Candide Term Paper

John Locke Second Treatise on Government vs. Voltaire Candide - Term Paper Example Locke attempted to explain the reasons King James II was overthrown justifiably and why he was ascended by William III. He as well wanted to define the legal role of the civil government. He defined the role of the civil government as the political power and a right of law making which includes penalties of death and fewer penalties for regulating property as well as preserving them and employing forces of executing these laws, in defense of common wealth against foreign injury. This is all for the good of the public . On the other hand, Voltaire Candide is about Candide who grows in the province of Westphalia in Germany. He is made to believe that he lives in a world that is of the best quality . This belief starts to change when he started experiencing horrors of poverty, war, the hypocrisy that the church had and maliciousness of man. According to Locke, the government was in existence, among many other things, in order to promote the good of the public as well as to protect the property, liberty and life of its people. This is what is considered to being the main point of having a government and these are the purposes for its existence (Locke 12). For the above reasons, the people who run or govern are supposed to be voted in by the entire society. It is the right of the society to hold powers of instating another government when it is necessary. Locke believes that people are free by nature. This is the belief that founded his philosophy about the government. This is also supported by Voltaire Candide. He says that the government is supposed to be in existence in order to support the society and provide them with all they need. But according to Candide, this does not happen since the people having authority were corrupt and usually abused their powers. The society’s rights and freedom were not granted and they faced a lot of hardships. There are certain literary artifacts that were used in making the different points they had. Locke argues that in case the society is dissolved, it is also likely that the government will as well dissolve. He said that it is very impossible to have the frame of any house subsist and the materials that make it are jumbled into heaps that are confused by an earthquake4. The agreement of individuals to work as a single body is what makes up a society. If the agreement brakes and the different individuals make the decision to separate, then the community will end up breaking. When the government does not have its society, the government will as well dissolve. But in case a government dissolves and the society remains as one, the people shall still have the power to reform the government as they would like. On the other hand, Voltaire Candide uses wealth in explaining his points of view. Wealth leads to greed and causes war. The need to possess wealth enco uraged robbery and abuse of power. In his work, wealth is depicted as transient. Even though it may be beneficial, it is not ultimately fulfilling5. There are different practices of their time that these writers mock or criticize. Locke criticizes the act of slavery. He says that men has a natural liberty of being free and not have any power that is superior on earth. Man is not supposed to be under any legislative authority or will of man but is supposed to have the law of nature to rule him. He also says that no man should control the right to own property. This is because God gave life to all men in common and gave them reason to use it to their advantage and convenience. Every person has the right of owning property wherever they would like to. Just like Locke, Voltaire Candide criticizes slavery in a great way. The abuse of power leads to slavery since the leaders use their power

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Event Article Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Event Article Summary - Essay Example The article co-authored by Yu-Pin Wei and Yu-Chun Huang presents the findings of the study that analyzes intercontinental conference food value. The research applied self-administered online questionnaire to seek varied concerns and presents concrete facts. The analysts acknowledge that a state’s excellence in international exhibitions and conventions outlines prosperity towards internationalization (Yu-Ping Wei & Yu-Chun Huan, 2013). A vibrant tourism sector facilitates the economic growth. In addition, quality food ensures a pleased and frequent consumer base in the restaurant business and attendees at international conferences. The article highlights food quality determinants that include taste, appearance, cleanliness, temperature, serving portion, variety, and freshness. The authors proceed to link the food attributes with satisfaction at international conferences by reviewing relevant literatures. The mentioned gaps and findings by other author’s further stamp the importance of the food attribute (Yu-Ping Wei & Yu-Chun Huan, 2013). Moreover, food variety is most critical in international conferences. In line with the mentioned characteristics, planners are continuously seeking new styles to improve their services and attract more customers. Other notable areas of concern for international conferences comprise of energizing and stimulating menu, special dietary alternatives, and networking platforms. Therefore, integration of all the features facilitates country’s success and enhances the attractiveness for similar conferences. According to the study findings, the determining factors for international food quality encompass food content quality, menu selection, conference specific features, and local food experience. Hence, food quality performance positively correlates with overall food service satisfaction. The article concludes by giving the differential perspectives of the future of international

Monday, July 22, 2019

Reformation Essay Example for Free

Reformation Essay The Reformation is a broad term used to describe the period of time beginning around 1500 A. D. extending through the mid-seventeenth century, with roots dating back to around the fourteenth century. Society was in something of an upheaval at the time and the church was faced persistent heresy. A wave that would become known as the Protestant Reformation started in Germany in the early 1500’s and moved throughout the German speaking countries to Scandinavia to the French and finally to England and Scotland. Differing from the Renaissance, the Reformation made an impact in most every Europeans life and forced people to make the decision between the old way and the new. In the early stages of the Reformation there was a man, the pioneer of that Protestant Reformation that swept over Europe, a man who ventured into a new arena of thought in relation to how the Church, his name was Martin Luther. 1] The following writing will be a short biographical work of Martin Luther showing some of the events of his life and how through them, he changed the Church as well as contributed to the progress of the Reformation concluding with a look at his life in a way to show more of who Luther was as opposed to what he did. Martin Luther was born in Eisleben Germany on November 10, 1493 before moving to Mansfield in 1484 where he attended school before moving on to Magdeburg with the Brethren of the Common Life. From there he entered the University of Erfurt in 1501 where he was introduced to nominalist philosophy which taught the inability of natural reason to establish articles of faith. It was here that he also furthered his linguistic skills in the classical tongues, and graduated with his B. A. in 1502 and his M. A. in 1505. The winds of the Reformation had already begun to whirl as Luther was growing up. He had been studying law, before being caught up in the religious revival that had been heading across Western Europe. 2] That July he was knocked to the ground by lightning and the combination of those events, the death of a friend and issues inside himself he entered the chapter house of the Hermits of St. Augustine[3] in Erfurt monastery of the Augustinian Eremites. At this time he was given his very first Bible, which he studied relentlessly, studying carefully Romans and Galatians. He was also deeply into the works of Augustine as well as William of Occam and carried with himself the reputation of being a man of singular piety, devotion and monastic zeal. [4] To the objection of his father he took the vows in September 1506, was elected to study for the priesthood, and was made a deacon in February of 1507 and ordained a priest on April 4 of that same year. His father attended his first Mass where he rebuked Martin for disobeying his parents. [5] At the monastery, Luther practiced ascetic excesses to try to achieve some sense of inner peace. Johann von Staupitz helped him away from his life of standing fearfully in front of a Deity to responding in joy to the loving forgiveness of God through Jesus Christ. In 1510 he went on a business trip to Rome to the Vatican where he was shaken and disturbed by the commercial, showy splendor of the Vatica n. In 1512, Luther began lecturing as a doctorate of theology at Wittenberg, a position he would hold for the rest of his life. For the following two years he lectured heavily on the Psalms before shifting to Romans, Galatians, Hebrews and Titus in 1516. It was after these studies that Luther became convinced that salvation is a new relationship with God, and that it was not a merit-based system but rather it came through placing trust in the promises of God. Humans would still sin, but would live life as a forgiven sinner as a result of their relationship with Jesus Christ. It was also through these studies that Luther had his Gospel epiphany in 1516 while reading in Galatians 3 that the just shall live by faith. At this time that Luther was released from his haunting sense of guilt and crossed over into the freedom that came from relying on Gods grace. During this time he was growing, discovering new convictions, and while he had not written them into an officially theology he did have the principles that would be instrumental in and would define the Reformation; man is justified by faith alone, every believer has direct access to God and the Bible is the sole source of authority for faith and life. In 1517 Luther decided he needed to put these ideas into action. It was in that year that he came across a Dominican, Johann Tetzel, selling indulgences to Luthers parishioners. Going against Tetzel’s methods, bad theology and the fact that the outflow of cash was for a new St. Peters for Leo X, Luther preached against buying pardons and for relying on Gods grace for salvation. He had grown tired of this theology that was lacking Scriptural truth about it. On October 31, 1517, the day for which many remember Luther, he tacked Ninety-five Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg intending to have the questions bring about academic discussion, not a document written to insight a revolt against the pope of the Church of Rome. The Theses were translated and circulated bringing about attacks from Tetzel and the formidable Eck, labeling him a heretic. Luther was ordered by Leo X to appear at Rome in 1518 though it Frederck the Wise changed the hearing to Augsburg and it was through Frederick’s protection that Luther was able to survive. At the time of the hearing, Leo was drafting a papal bull describing indulgences in the exact fashion that Luther had questioned. In 1519 Luthers debate went publicly with Eck and he admitted that he rejected other authority of popes and councils when they were not congruent to the Scriptures. To combat the view that he was going against everything the church stood for, he published three works to clarify his views; â€Å"An Address to Christian Nobility of the German Nation,† â€Å"The Babylonian Captivity of the Church† and the â€Å"Liberty of a Christian Man. On Dec. 10, 1520, he was presented with a papal bull threatening to excommunicate him. He publicly burned the document along with a copy of the canon law, an open defiance of the popes authority in refusal to renounce any of his viewpoints Due to factors beyond just Luthers actions, the Wittenberg civil authorities looked on approvingly as their country was in a rebellious mood. Again he was summoned to appear before the pope, again refusing to budge from his position. A group of German churchmen, princes and nobles approached him one day ordering him to recant to which he replied, â€Å"Unless I am refuted and convicted by testimonies of Scripture or by clear arguments, my conscience is bound in the word of God: I cannot and will not recant anything. I cannot do otherwise. Here I stand. God help me, Amen. It was Frederick that again came to the rescue of Luther, saving him from almost certain martyrdom yet again, abducting him on his journey from Worms and holding him at the Wartburg Castle for ten months. Some consider Luther’s time spent there in the castle his most valuable as, among other things, he translated the Greek Bible to German. Upon his return to Wittenberg in March of 1522 he set about organizing the reformation that had nearly crumbled under the enthusiastic, but unskilled leadership of such people as Carlstadt and Zwilling in Wittenberg. They had gotten a crowd together that started rampages, wrecking statuary and artwork, actions Luther quickly denounced and went about producing forms for instruction, worship and church government. The Peasant’s War came about in 1524, but Luther continued undeterred, holding to the position of upholding authority, calling for social justice and urging the consideration for the economic welfare of the lower class. Luther’s language used in urging the princes to put down the revolt was intemperate and he ended up alienating some of the lower class. [6] During his time in the castle, Luther set out writing a childrens catechism as well as a catechism for the common people. It was also during this time that he composed what some consider the battle hymn for the reformation Almighty Fortress Is Our God. He went on teaching in his position, beginning to teach that priests could marry and soon met and married a former nun named Katharina von Bora who had followed him along with eight other nuns in fleeing from their convent in 1523 to take refuge in Wittenberg. [7] Together they produced six children of their own and opened their home to countless others as well as boarding students and other guests. [8] Luther continued to write, preach and teach and in 1530 he approved the Augsburg Confession and the Augsburg Apology as written by Philip Melanchthon. In 1573 Luther restated his doctrines in the Schmalkald Articles and spent his remaining years spent in inactive and productive service, such as writing â€Å"On Bondage of Will. † Luther died in his home town of Eisleben after mediating a meeting between two princes and experiences mild chest pains[9] in 1546. [10] The life of Martin Luther is something that one could marvel at, but there is more to this man’s story than a whole lot of scholarly achievements and raising questions that ended up causing Christianity to divide. He was a man of great passion and was extremely focused on God, realizing that it was about God and not about himself. When Christ drove the people out of the church saying they made it a den of theives he is angry because he knows that things are not what they should be, and sees what they could become, Martin Luther is another man with the same sort of view. He saw things the way that they could be. This anger was not exclusive to just Luther and Christ, it happens within many men and comes from different places, but what is common is that they are angry at the denialnot to themselves alone, but to their fellowmen as wellof all they have seen of head in their solitude that has been proven in their own personal life. Luther, slated by some as the last angry man of the Reformation, was once quoted saying, I never work better, than when I am inspired of anger when I am angry, I can write, pray and preach well, for then my whole temperament is quickened, my understanding sharpened and my mundane vexations and temptations depart. His life was tumultuous and deep melancholy assaulted him, leaving him weak and desperately ill. Upon tasting the grace of God he was driven with great compassion to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ and publish the Word of God in the native tongue of his countrymen. His passion and resolute faith was so great that it was said that upon hearing him pray people would exclaim: How great a spirit, how great a faith, was in his very words! As a monk he vowed to crucify the flesh through fasting, mortifications, and watchings struggling against deceitful thoughts and the evil inclinations of his heart. Nothing was too great a sacrifice if it would enable him to become a saint of acquired heaven. He was sold out on his quest for attaining holiness. He even claimed himself to be a pious monk stating that, â€Å"If a monk could obtain heaven by his good works, I should, certainly those who have known me can testify. † As he was carrying out this torture on himself he was confronted by John Staupitz, who asked him why he tormented himself the way that he did telling the young Martin, to â€Å"look at the wounds of Christ, to the blood that he has shed for you. † Luther was so wrapped up in literally beating himself up over his sins, he forgot a key element. Staupitz went on to tell him, â€Å"Instead of torturing yourself on account of your sins, throw you self in the Redeemers arms. Trust in Himin the righteousness of His lifein the atonement of His death. † Not long after his conversations with Staupitz, Luther was done being an imitator, keeping to the rules of the religious order, but rather he was a new creation entirely, walking in the full assurance of faith confident that the God that began the good work in him, would perfect His work. For Luther Christ was no longer an option, Christ was the option, or as he said in his Commentary on Galatians, â€Å"Christ is no lawgiver. He is the Lifegiver. † [11] For Luther it was about knowing God, not having a knowledge of God, he was a man full of passion for his Savior, completely sold out on his Master’s plan. It was so much so that he thanked God that he knew enough to believe that God knew more than he did and was able to rest in knowing that that would never change. Knowing that God was greater and surrendering to that knowledge was an undercurrent to Luther’s life, he clung to the word of God for his confidence and promises, not to the tradition of men. [12] The Reformation is a broad term used to describe the period of time beginning around 1500 A. D. extending through the mid-seventeenth century, with roots dating back to around the fourteenth century. Society was in something of an upheaval and the church was faced persistent heresy. In the early stages of the Reformation Martin Luther was the pioneer of that Protestant Reformation that swept over Europe, and who ventured into a new arena of thought in relation to how the Church. [13] The previous writing was a short biographical work of Martin Luther showing some of the events of his life and how through them, he changed the Church as well as contributed to the progress of the Reformation concluding with a look at his life in a way to show more of who Luther was as opposed to what he did.

Effect of Stress on Academic Performance of Students

Effect of Stress on Academic Performance of Students The Impact of Stress on Academic Success in College Students XU YONGQI Sometimes college life can be very stressful, because the pressure from study, relationship, responsibilities and so on. Therefore, defining what cause to stress, how to deal with stress are very important for college students. According to stimulus-based, response-based, and dynamic process, there are three ways of defining stress. Firstly, from Oxford English Dictionary: â€Å"to subject (a material thing, a bodily organ, a mental faculty) to stress or strain; to overwork, fatigue†, in other words, pressure produces stress (Butler, 1993). Secondly, stress is the response of noxious or aversive stimuli, which depends on one’s specific characteristics (Selye, 1956). Thirdly, stress as a dynamic process has reflected both internal and external factors, which includes the first and second definitions of stress: the characters of people and their circumstances. Moreover, it also involves the interactions between them (Butler, 1993). Based on the definitions of stress, it is difficult to draw a conclusion that the effects of stress are negative, because nothing is good or bad but by conditions. Therefore, the article is going to describe both sides of stress by analysing the good and bad effects of stress. Furthermore, the article will discuss the impact of stress on academic success in college students according to the competition of grades, the need of performance, relationship problems, career choice and many other aspects of the college students’ circumstances (Counseling Wellness Center, 2013). College students need to face the stress, so it is significant and necessary for them to deal with stress by using a good way. There are some good effects of stress. Firstly, stress will help people become more creative. People usually has more stress when they move into a new path, not only because it was new to them, but also because they do not know how other people deal with it. If people have the opportunities to ask a writer or an artist on the creative process of their arts, the most frequent answer is that they become successful person by achieving their goals when they are under the stress and suffering from it. Dr psychologist Larina Kase, says that Stress is often accompanied by a breakthrough in creativity. If your mind is completely normal and comfortable, you will not have any reason to see things differently. Secondly, stress is good for the immune system. Many studies show that the bodys immune system will benefit from the short-wave stress elicit the fight or flee (the tension is when people do the test, race or play games with time limits.) Stress can be useful for the immune system, it is claimed by Dr.  Mark Goulston -psychiatrist. Doctor also explained cortisol (also called stress hormone) appearing will increase immunity to the body, but only where balanced and moderate. Last but not least, stress helps people solve the problems. Most of people experienced stress due to face a difficult situations in their lives or forced to give an important decisions. Stress this fact can be quite useful, because stress manifestation of people’s values. If people do not care, they will not worry about it at all. Therefore, listen to what stress is will help people find the way to solve the problems. Many studies indicate that people feel happiest when they understand their own emotions and know how to deal with it. Nevertheless, excessive anxiety can also cause the opposite effect, such as depression and anxious. This paragraph will talk about the common stressors in college life. As I mentioned above, college life can be stressful, there are all kinds of stressors we can find in college. And the reasons of stress can be greateracademicdemands, financial responsibilities. Some problems like being away from home, changes in family relations and one’s social life, facing new environment and exposure to new people, ideas, and temptations, and preparing for life after graduation, all of these are influencing the college students a lot. What’s more, psychological make-up can also play an important role in vulnerability to depression, for people who have low self-esteem, who consistently view themselves and the world with pessimism, or are readily overwhelmed by stress may be especially prone to depression. Moreover, these are several bad effects of stress. Stress is, something one must not have too much of it; in other words, it is something one must not experience too much of it as it come with heavy ill effects on socially, medically and psychologically. According to many studies done in universities and research facility, the stress influences lives to certain degree that one might not able to recover from ill effects that stress brings. Primarily, socially, stress could affect the decisions one makes in everyday life; in other words, it will influence one’s social interaction with others such as friends, families and their work. One might say such opinion is exaggerated, but many research indicates that it is not overstated opinion. For instance, relationships are broken because they couldn’t handle the stress brought from the relationship. Furthermore, such stress could influence the relationship with friends due to the peer pressure that might be one large stressor in certain people’s lives. This might even bring some men and women to commit suicide or think about it. Furthermore, stress could bring unwanted effect in medically. Overloading of stress could bring our immune system down, enabling the harmful bacteria to enter our body system more easily and it disables our immune system to fight such bacteria effectively. Basically, one would have hard time recovering from illness when one gets sick when he or she is in stressful times. Furthermore, stress could make people commit unhealthy behaviour such as eating too much of food, drinking alcoholic drinks, excessive smoking and so on, leading to main health issues such as obesity, alcoholic issues, cancer and more. However, physical and social harmful effects are not the only harmful effects. The third component that is affected by stress is our psychological well being. As stress targets people physically and socially, it targets our mentality creating psychological stress that could last for long period time. Moreover, such psychology stress could develop into disorders that could take long time to recover. For an example, depression is one of the common psychological disorders that are caused by stress; depending on the level of the depression such disorder could make someone to commit suicide. In addition, psychological harmful effect that brought by stress could be chronicle and it would last until one stops breathing. Some believes that it is the psychological stress that actually brings physical and social harm. In other words, all the harmful effects that brought by stress is psychologically, yet it is influencing our social interaction with others and physical health. In conclusion, stress is necessary in order to live our life; stress could bring our creativity to top notch along with the immune system in our body, furthermore, it could help people to face problems and challenges that blocks their path; however, one could also see that overloaded stress could make our social interaction, such as relationship, to be hectic; it could bring our immune system weak against harmful bacteria, moreover, it might make one to develop unhealthy behaviours such as drinking, smoking and eating excessive foods; stress could create psychological disorders for many people that lasts long and have no easy way to recover. In my opinion what really matters is that how one handle the stress that blocks her or his life; depending on how one take care of that stress or how one manage the stress, the stress could bring the good effect or harmful effect. Few suggestions of dealing stress are as follows; one could plan ahead and avoid such stressful event from happening; this method allows the person to be more prepared. Another method in dealing such stressful situation is to get the priority of what to do first. This method would help one to solve the situation or problems step by step, which will help to divide the amount of the stress one might feel. References: Butler. Retrieved from Counseling Wellness Center. Retrieved from Dr. Larina Kase. Retrieved from Dr. Mark Goulston. Retrieved from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Neurotransmitter Serotonin Cause Depression Psychology Essay

Neurotransmitter Serotonin Cause Depression Psychology Essay According to the World Health Organization, about 121 million people across the globe suffer from depression and the WHO has ranked depression as fourth in a list of most urgent problems worldwide (2). It is the most prevalent psychiatric disorder and is responsible for nearly 850,000 deaths every year. Supporting this fact, statistics have revealed that the use of anti-depressants has soared over 400 percent in the past two decades (3). According to Kresser, a licensed acupuncturist and practitioner of integrative medicine, several chemically distinct anti-depressants marketed under trade names such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil now enjoy immense popularity as anti-depressants (4). Amongst the four classes of anti-depressant medication, namely selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), atypical depressants, tricyclic anti-depressants (TCAs) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), SSRIs have been the most widely prescribed medication by physicians. In this essay, the terms S SRI and anti-depressant will be used interchangeably. The current model of SSRIs assumes that a low level of extracellular neurotransmitter, serotonin, is primarily responsible for depression. Serotonin in our body can be found in two places 80 percent of it in our gastrointestinal tract while the rest in our brain (5). The 80 percent of serotonin function as hormones and they play a role in muscular contractions whereas the 20 percent act as a neurotransmitter in our brain (6). In our brain there are many cells called neurons, which are separated by small gaps. Messages carried by neurotransmitters are delivered from one neuron to another across the gaps. These messages come in the form of chemical impulses, and contain information about mood, behaviour, body temperature, appetite and sleep. Once a neurotransmitter leaves the sending neuron, it will latch onto the receiving neuron and relay chemical impulses over. Then the neurotransmitter returns to its sending neuron to be re-used again this process is called reuptake. On the other hand, if there are inadequate amounts of neurotransmitters, the next impulse does not fire off and messages will not be relayed. (7) SSRIs work to block or slow down the reuptake of serotonin in particular, hence increasing the amount of extracellular serotonin. As a result, more serotonin are present in the gaps which will increase rate of successful transmission of impulses to the receiving neuron. SSRI is hence engineered on the belief that serotonin is the cause of depression. However ever since the advent of the drug and its side-effects exposed, drug researchers are compelled to re-investigate the efficacy of SSRIs, in which confounding results were revealed. The investigation into the serotonin-depression link will not only prevent doctors making inappropriate prescriptions that may not be in the best interest of their patients health, it also allows a clearer definition of the causes of depression. Ultimately, establishing the proper function of serotonin may lead to a ground-breaking change in the methodology of treating depression and related disorders in the psychiatric and pharmacology world. While most people concur with the belief that a deficiency of serotonin is related to depression, some argue that an imbalance in serotonin levels leads to depression. This imbalance theory arises because of the widespread notion that SSRIs are only effective for patients with moderate to severe depression while it is ineffective for mildly depressed patients. The basis of the debate surrounding the efficacy of SSRIs in fact boils down to a deeper problem whether or not the neurotransmitter, serotonin, is related to depression at all. Nevertheless, I oppose both claims of the serotonin-depression link and contest that there is no coherence between levels of serotonin and depression. Up till now, there have no substantial evidence that depression is caused by serotonin deficiency, neither is there one that shows that over stimulation of serotonin causes depression. Efficacy of SSRIs challenged by small drug-placebo difference Many studies have shown that the efficacy of SSRI drugs in the treatment of depression is challenged by low drug-placebo difference scores. Studies to investigate the efficacy of anti-depressants by giving placebos to a controlled group have revealed that the recovery rate of patients who took a glucose pill was equivalent to patients who consumed the anti-depression drug (8). A 2008 meta analysis of the efficacy of SSRIs that was published by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), revealed that these anti-depressants have no clinically significant edge over all placebos. By this, it means that it did not meet the drug licensing authority, UK National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) standards. As evident in the meta analysis, the placebo response groups account for up to 75 percent of all positive effects of anti-depressant medication (9) which shows that 3 in 4 of all patients who reported an increase in heightened emotional well-being were actually consuming sugar pills. O ther studies yielded similar results a study by Khan et al. found a 10 percent difference in level of symptoms when patients consume the inert placebos compared to the active drugs in two separate meta-analyses (10). As the drug-placebo difference is small, it can be seen that regardless of whether SSRI is administered or not, symptoms of depression are still greatly reduced. This implies that serotonin level may not be related to depression at all. Opponents argue that experiments to test the efficacy of SSRIs against inert placebos may not be accurate because the side effects of SSRIs are not mimicked. They claim that commonly known side effects of SSRIs, such as diarrhoea, nausea, dizziness, headaches or even gastrointestinal bleeding (11) may affect patients mood, which in turn underrate the impact of serotonin in lifting depression. This claim is however rejected by many scientific literatures which show counter-evidences. According to Joanna Moncrieff, the co-chair person of Critical Psychiatry Network, when she used active placebos to simulate the adverse-effects of SSRIs in anti-depressant drug trials, results revealed that differences between active placebo and SSRI were significantly small (12). To measure severity of depression before and after the drug trials, the conventional Hamilton Rating Scale of Depression (HRSD) was used. Since it did not meet NICE standards of an improvement in rating score of 3 points to be defined as clinically significant (8), the above studies involving inert and active placebos clearly show that no matter which placebo type was administered active or inert, drug versus placebo significance in anti-depressant efficacy is clinically insignificant. Whether or not the level of serotonin is increased, patients reported a reduction in symptoms of depression, therefore there is little evidence to say that a lack of this neurotransmitter causes depression. Another common belief by proponents of anti-depressants is that initial severity of depression is directly related to the effectiveness of SSRIs, that SSRIs work best for patients with very severe depression. It is thought that over stimulation of serotonin may cause further chemical imbalance in patients suffering from mild depression, hence rendering SSRIs ineffective (13). Thus in order to test this claim, Kirsch et al moved on to investigate whether initial severity of depression affects the efficacy of anti-depressants. He tested on the hypothesis that anti-depressants work only for people suffering from moderate to major depression. In this double-blinded study of 35 clinical trials involving 5,133 subjects, both drug administers and subjects were unknown to results of randomized medication (placebo or SSRI) to prevent sampling biasness and subjects severity of depression was measured by HRSD (14). The test was conducted to see if there is an improvement in the subjects depress ion, measured against their baseline severity and the final conclusion is as follows: patients with an initial moderate depression did not report a drug-placebo difference, patients with an initial severe depression reported a relatively small drug-placebo difference and only for patients situated at the upper end of very severe depression category did the drug-placebo difference fall into the clinically significant criterion by NICE standards (8). Although effectiveness of SSRIs may seem to improve with the severity of depression, further research has revealed a negative coherence between severity and placebo response. As highlighted from Figure 1, the drug-placebo difference reached clinical standards for people with a higher initial severity of depression. Further analysis shows that a higher drug-placebo difference is due to a decrease in improvement of the placebo group rather than due to the effects of SSRIs. Figure 1. Mean Standardized Improvement as a Function of Initial Severity and Treatment Group, Including Only Trials Whose Samples Had High Initial Severity graph.png Source: This implies that the increased benefit for extremely depressed patients seems attributable to a response-deficiency to placebos rather than a heightened response to SSRI medication. Therefore efficacy of SSRI does not increase with severity of depression and increasing amount of serotonin did not work for patients with all levels of depression. Since SSRIs are designed to alleviate depression by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin in our brain cells, it shows that there is no relationship between extracellular serotonin and ones mood. Furthermore, it usually take weeks before effects of anti-depressants are expressed and can be measured by testing for serotonin levels in the blood, yet patients often report relief within hours or days of medication. Therefore this phenomenon demonstrates the lack of correlation between serotonin and depression and gives support to the placebo effect. The lack in correlation is further evidenced by the results of a Force Swim Test (FST). FST, also known as the behavioural despair test, is a conventional anti-depressant screening test which involves using rodents as test subjects. In this test, rats are dropped in an enclosed water cylinder and their movements observed. The struggling time of rats is measured based on the assumption that immobility of rats is directly proportional to their state of depression. For example depressed rats will cease trying and float in the cylinder, which is akin to despair, whereas non-depressed rats will continue to struggle in search of a way out (15). Although it is thought that SSRIs should extend struggling time of rats, final results were inconsistent hence inconclusive (16). The administration of SSRIs in rodents did not make them less susceptible to depression, displaying no direct relationship between serotonin and depression. Nonetheless, it should be noted that experiments done on mice ma y not be entirely accurate in predicting responses in humans (17). The bold assumption made by researchers The serotonin-depression link came about when scientists first discovered that in most depressed patients, the level of serotonin is comparably lower than that in non-depressed people. The amount of serotonin in a humans body was measured by comparing blood samples taken from depressed and healthy people. Subsequently the anti-depressant SSRI was invented, which targets the neurotransmitter serotonin and works to stimulate the production of it. This methodology then raises a few doubts. Firstly, the assumption that blood serotonin and brain serotonin are directly proportional can be contested as it is certainly impossible to measure the amount of serotonin in the brain. Patients who have high levels of serotonin in the blood may have low levels of serotonin in the brain and vice versa. As mentioned earlier, 80 percent of the humans body total serotonin is found in our bloodstream and the rest in the brain. While the level of blood serotonin can be measured, current biomedical technol ogy has yet to transcend the brain barrier. In all clinical trials involving SSRIs, the assumption made is that blood serotonin reflects brain serotonin, which is a very bold one to make. This then creates a paradox in research methodology: the reason for inventing SSRIs instead of feeding serotonin directly to a humans body is due to the blood-brain barrier. Orally ingested serotonin are ineffective as they do not pass through bloodstreams into the brain, that is the digestive system is unparallel to the central nervous system. Whereas SSRIs work because they merely seek to enhance an impulse that is already present, but too feeble to cross the gap. Yet scientists conveniently established a link between serotonin and depression by measuring serotonin in patients blood. It is reasonable to say that since blood serotonin is not proven to be a clear indication of brain serotonin, any positive outcomes of anti-depressant drug trials may not be due to the increase in brain serotonin bu t other unknown factors. This again shows a lack of tangible evidence between the neurotransmitter, serotonin, and depression. Secondly, in all probability that there is a direct attestation of serotonin deficiency in any mental disorder lacking, it is still unclear whether low levels of serotonin causes depression or depression causes a dip in serotonin. Evidences supporting the latter can be based on observations of non-depressed people with low amounts of serotonin. In a 1996 investigation of the biochemistry of depression, attempts made to induce depression by reducing serotonin levels yielded no consistent results (18). Similarly, researchers found that a surge in brain serotonin, arrived at by administering SSRIs, were ineffective at alleviating depression (19). Therefore there is little evidence to support serotonin as a mood chemical. Also problematic for the serotonin-depression claim is the expanding field of research comparing SSRIs to other anti-depression drugs that do not target serotonin specifically (20). For instance, the atypical anti-depressant buproprion (21) and St. Johns Wort (22), which do not alter the level of serotonin were proven to be just as effective as SSRIs in the treatment for depression. Therefore doubts about the serotonin-depression link are acknowledged by many researchers as well as by advocates of SSRIs (23). To supplement my stand, serotonin is not listed as the cause of depression disorder in the  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (24). The American Psychiatric Press Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry (25) also reiterates that serotonin deficiency as an unconfirmed hypothesis (20). In short, there exists no rigorous corroboration of the serotonin theory, which may suggest the reliability of positive drug trials published by drug companies. Conclusion In addition to what textbooks have to say about serotonin, it is important to look at what not being said in scientific literature. There are numerous peer-reviewed articles supporting the disconnect between serotonin and depression however not a single one can be precisely cited to directly endorse claims of a serotonin deficiency in any mental disorders (20). Assuming that blood serotonin is a good measure for brain serotonin, abundant evidences of high placebo significance in anti-depressant drug trials, the rejection of the claim that efficacy of SSRIs depends on severity of depression, and an inconsistent Force Swim Test results indicate that serotonin may not be the cause of depression. No doubt there may be a positive outcomes from the drug trials, however because blood serotonin may not reflect brain serotonin, these outcomes coupled with the above mentioned proofs against the serotonin hypothesis strongly suggest that other factors are involved in depression. The incongruenc e between the scientific literature and the claims made by proponents are prominent, hence I stand for the fact that there is no direct correlation between serotonin level and depression.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Two Towns of Jasper :: essays research papers

Race in America: Is it really such a problem now as it was so many years ago? I think my generation of young adults is reaping the 1st benefits of a â€Å"racist free† society, and I put racist free society in quotations because our society may never truly be without some form of racism because I believe that hate for another race or culture is seeded in our youth at a very early age, and that our kids our taught, in a sense, to hate by their parents words, actions, sayings, jokes, beliefs, etc and are made to think that that kind of offensiveness is ok, and thus grow up with that racism growing into racial hatred.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The clan markings and tattoos these men had tells me that they belong to a â€Å"gang† or group dedicated to racial hatred. I guarantee you that these men as children had no idea what racism was until someone taught it to them, from there it branched off into their individual view of who is superior and who is not.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I personally have a lot of friends of different races, but I don’t see them like that. I see them for who they are and what their personality is like, not by color. And I think that society is gradually leaning in that direction as well. Maybe it was because I wasn’t raised to see color like other people do, maybe it has to do with the fact that my family moved around a lot and I made friends with whoever I could, racial issues not being a factor. These are just my view points and others may have a completely different perspective on color and race. But it is very difficult for me to write about some thing such as racism, when to me the term has no meaning except what has been taught to me about what other people say and do.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Student Achievement Essay -- Education Class Size School Essays

Student Achievement This is a research paper I did to see if class size is related to student achievement. I used two studies to see if class size was related to student achievement. When you read my paper you will gain the knowledge of how controversial this issue is. It shows the actual findings of two studies. My paper shows how younger kids are benefiting from the smaller classes. There is still ongoing research to really decide if smaller really is better. Many parents and teachers desire smaller classes for their children. However, are smaller classes necessarily increasing student achievement? It has been an assumption that if a student is in a small class setting, there are fewer distractions and the learning experience is greater. People feel children have more individualized attention, which may lead young students towards greater academic success. Research has been conducted across the country to see if smaller class size is really better. The number of students in a classroom recently became a controversial issue. There has been research that shows that class size depends on many variables. Some of these variables include the age level of students, subject matter taught, and instructional methods used. â€Å"Recent statistical syntheses of this research reveal that the instructional benefits of smaller classes are most significant for classes numbering under twenty students; in those with twenty five to forty students class size has little overall effect on educational quality† (Ellis, 1984, p.1). The benefits of a smaller class include increased one-on-one learning between the student and the teacher. This also allows the teacher to ascertain a student’s learning ability. If there are fewer stude... ..., Smith, P, Zahorik, J, Halbach, A, Ehrle, K, Hoffman, L, & Cross, B. (2001). 2000-2001 Evaluation results of the student achievement guarantee in education (SAGE) program. Retrieved April 28, 2003 from the World Wide Web at â€Å"Sage Initiative Evaluation†. (February 2002). Sage and direct instruction projects. Retrieved April 28, 2003 from the World Wide Web at This website was about Project SAGE. It explained exactly what the study intended to do. For example, it planned to: Reduce the student-teacher ratio in their classrooms to 15:1 in grades K-3; Stay open extended hours (creating "lighted schoolhouses"); Develop rigorous academic curriculums; and, Implement plans for staff development and professional accountability.

Camar Automotive Hoist Essay -- essays research papers

The licensing contract is only three years, the Bar Maisse is not famous, and the sales is difficult to be estimated, therefore, we suspect if licensing could meet the expectation of rapid growth. The cost of licensing is lower in comparison to joint venture and direct investment, but the royalty is only 5% of gross sales. The growth of CAH might not be significant. Besides, CAH will have no control of operation and reputation if they choose  ¡Ã‚ §licensing ¡Ã‚ ¨ option. Joint venture might be an unviable choice of CAH because Bar Maisse may not be willing to launch joint venture with CAH. CAH has insufficient information about Bar Maisse, CAH doesn ¡Ã‚ ¦t know whether Bar Maisse would seek to control the operation or not, that is, CAH will have limited control of operation and reputation. In additi...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Addiction and Addictions Essay

Introduction There are many factors that are damaging today’s society. Addictions are a fast growing concern, it has branched off and caused many problems whether it be related to drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, Internet, or eating. Addictions are something society faces everyday. Although there are many reasons behind why addiction are growing, and where they stemmed from, today’s society has focused primarily on how someone with an addictions problem can seek help. Also the many Gaps and Barriers around addictions are enabling people who wish to seek help from receiving it. The increasing amounts of people with drug or alcohol addictions has increased vastly over the years especially among young teens who are still yet to be of age to buy alcohol. With addictions being a commonly known problem in society, there should be more awareness put out to people on how to help those with an addiction or more services that are equally accessible for those who wish to seek help on their addic tions. Types of Addictions Drugs and Alcohol Even though drugs and alcohol is widely known as bad in society, people continue to abuse it. Once on has chosen to abuse drugs or alcohol continuously they lose the ability to say â€Å"no† to another drink or † no† to another puff of weed. Soon the person will continuously think about drinking or using drugs, and cannot wait to abuse either substance again. Generally there are two components that stem from drug addiction: physical and psychological dependencies. Physical dependency occurs when a drug has been used habitually and the body has become immune to its effects. Where as psychological dependency occurs where a drug as been used immensely and the mind has become dependant and the mind begins to become emotionally reliant on the effects. Either to feel pleasure or to relieve pain, then the mind does not feel capable of functioning without the drug. Internet Addictions Internet addictions not only include an over excessive amount of chat room participation, but it does not help their social or financial well being. Dysfunctional use of the Internet by children as well as adults can result in diminished participation in the family. Over thirty percent of Canada’s population has reported that they use the Internet to escape from everyday life or problems. Either by finding someone else on chat rooms with the same problems or just playing games or â€Å"surfing† the web. Gambling Addictions Gambling has many traumatic effects in a person’s life if it is abused the wrong way. It can cause people to loose their family; can put a person into bankruptcy, fraud, domestic abuse, theft or even homelessness. Pathological gamblers tend to be under the age of thirty. Six percent of gamblers in Canada commit suicide. The government profit from gambling in Canada is thirteen billion nationally. In Canada 340,000 people have a modern or severe case of a gambling addiction. Eating Addictions Food addictions affect mostly a person’s health. Food addictions lead mostly to eating disorders, such as: obesity, diabetes, bulimia and food allergies. An eating addiction is signaled the same way in our brains as an alcohol addiction. Recent studies on rats have proven that eating triggers a pleasure receptor in our brain. Ten percent of people with anorexia or bulimia are male. Eight percent of children in Canada are obese, and twenty three percent are adults. Gaps in Services The majority of agencies have no costs, no referrals, are wheelchair accessible and have age limited restrictions. The new internet addiction has left a gap in services, simply because it went so long before it was † discovered†, agencies are just now figuring out ways to support this  addiction. This makes it hard for someone with an Internet addiction to seek help due to the lack of support out there for the general public to use. Barriers in Services The majority of services are available from ages thirteen plus. Which limits â€Å"teens† under the age of thirteen with addiction problems help. With today’s society having an increasing amount of children drinking, this set’s a bit of a barrier. Since there are no programs offered for children of a young age who have already begun drinking to seek help it allows the problem to grow instead of getting to it when it is still fresh and not yet a full-blown addiction. Although many services do not offer help to those who are disabled. Addiction services are generally offered only in English, which poses a problem for those who have immigrated to Canada or simply have grown up speaking a different language. The hours for addiction centers is limited, unless it is a housing service, most programs run on the nine to five clock, enabling those who seek help after hours from getting the service that is required by them. Local Services Personal Development Programs: Men’s Withdrawal Management Center This shelter is for men going through withdrawals from drugs or alcohol. They offer a short-term residence. Also give information and education sessions for men in a safe environment. Also provide one on one counseling for individuals in purpose of defining specific needs and how to treat them. They take in men who are inebriated, who are going through withdrawals or that are at high risk of falling into old patterns. Service for this center in 7 days a week 24 hours a day, there is no fee; admission is immediate accordingly to bed availability. Advocacy and Referral Programs Mental Health and Addictions Services in Grey Bruce This program also known as DART (drug and alcohol registry of treatment) is helpful for people with addictions or mental health problems locate treatment options. It also links local communities with assessment and referral programs for themselves or people that they know. Socialization Programs CAMH Center For Addictions and Mental Health The largest organization for addictions and mental health in Canada. Its provides research, broad-based education offerings, clinical services and health promotion activities. They provide information on the best services around, their facilities allow you to locate research resource materials, and contribute to addictions and mental health system planning. They are open Monday to Friday 8:30- 4:30, they are only partially accessible, and only provide services in English. Rehab and Therapy Centers FGI World This facilities helps youth with drug or alcohol based addictions. They work with clients one on one with any problems they are having. This is a private organization, and the program is only offered through referral. The program allows you to come and go as pleased, unless you are an involuntary client. The councilors help take you through the steps that got you to where you are and also the choices that you made to get you there. Located on downtown Hamilton. The hours are 8:00am to 6:00 pm. Appointments are to be made no walk inn’s are allowed. Conclusion Throughout this report, there have been examples of all types of addictions. Showing how increasingly they are on the rise, and that day-to-day a new  addiction is born. Without services being available to the new born addictions they continuously grow and there is no way to receive help for them. The amount of young teens becoming addicted to things such as drugs or alcohol has grown increasingly and services are yet to be prepared for that situation. Many of the gaps and barriers within these programs or services are what prevent people from seeking the help they need and deserve. It has been proven that not only are addictions physical they are majority psychological and require a great deal of acknowledgement from family, friends, support groups, and government funded programs, so that people can acquire the amount of treatment necessary. With language and hours of availability being a barrier many people with problems are not getting the help they deserve, Canada needs to broaden its’ options when it comes to addiction programs, allowing twenty-four hour services for people with serious or mild conditions. If the programs continue to enable people from receiving help the amount of people with addictions will continue to increase. Being aware of the problem is the first step to solving one.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

My Son, My Executioner

My Son, My Executioner In the Donald foyer poesy, My Son, My Executioner, manse depicted a scram who has grown old, holding their one-year-old kid in their implements of war. residency represent strong imagery of a startly count giving up e trulything to c atomic number 18fulness for his young youngster. The tone of the poetry is both keen and dark. Halls beginning showed that once a person has a pincer, the resurrects life is all told changed. My Son, My Executioner is a very intimately written poem with a deep, true(a) meaning that refs could relate to. The imagery helps Hall depict a scram lovingness for their young minor.Hall is starting telling the reader that the set about is with his child. The child seems to be very young because the return takes the child in his arms. I take you in my arms/quiet and small and just astir. This shows that the stick cares a lot about his child. The render could be taking out eon from his day to share this moment with his child. The son, who is in his arms or lying on his lap, shares the fathers warmth. And whom my body warms. The father expresses how he has to give up himself in order for the son to be cheerful and healthy. Your cries and hungers document/out bodily decay. Hall is saying when the child is hungry whence he must get fed. As clip goes on, the father gets older and the roles of father and son are reversed. The dedication has to be there for the parents to raise a glad and healthy child. The tone of this poem is a combination of happiness and darkness. The poem terminate be seen to read a elated tone that Halls shows well. He writes about the father ac enjoyledging his child as his own. My son. Hall portrays halcyon images like a father wrapping his arms around his young child. I take you in my arms. The father in any case makes it known that his presence bequeath await forever in his child.This means the father will always be with the child spiritually. On the ot her hand, this poem groundwork be taken in a direful tone. Right from the title, Hall throws a dreary feeling toward the reader. My son, my executioner. on that point are words that Hall uses in his poem that show a darker side. And start to distribute together. The reader could interpret these lines as some(a) sort of sick meaning. This poem could either be taken in a happy tone or a dark tone. The main theme Hall is trying to express is that once a person has a child, their lives are changed forever.In the first line, My son, my executioner, is saying that once a child comes into the world, in a sense the parents life is taken away. provided as morbid as that sounds, the parents life is made eternal through their child forever. The father knows his time is now foc employ on his son. There is a reversal of roles, as the child gets bigger and stronger, the father gets weaker and will die. perfumed death, small son, our instrument/of immortality. Another chore was that the parents had their child young. That day the child was born, their lives were changed and it will never be the same again. We cardinal and twenty-two. In conclusion, Donald Hall portrays a father who has grown old, holding their young child in their arms. . The way Hall used imagery, showed the reader a fatherly figure that gives up everything to care for his son. The tone of the poem was important because it let the reader know that the poem could be seen as happy or dark. The theme showed the readers that once they have a child, their lives are changed forever. My Son, My Executioner is a very well written poem with a deep, true meaning that readers, along with parents, could relate to.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

The Philippines. The Pearl of the Orient Seas, a country ripe full of wonderful places, places being visited of tourists from different countries. A great country with great people called Filipinos. Filipinos, people with such nice traits.Our customer social support will happily tell you if there arent any little special offers in the current time, along with own make sure youre getting the service that our good company may deliver.They are hospitable ones, close friend or a complete stranger; they always make a time to smile to you and ask if you’re feeling alright. Cheerful, they are, and academically talented too! Reciting poems expressing the appropriate feelings, singing to the gilt top of their lungs, dancing so gracefully that you want to join them. They are hard-working, industrious they are. They are also religious of course, they surrender click all to God.Its saddening to take note that its a incorrect practice of democracy.

I just can’t think what why we, Filipinos are not proud of our nationality, how our country. Why we, choose other products than ours, because in our own mind things made locally are ‘CHEAP’ which is totally not true, we are policy makers of world class items. We should be proud of our country. Don’t you know that we, Filipinos, are admired by people around the world? They love the Philippines AND the Filipinos.Pupils lead busy daily lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline.Condescending a name for the high cost is a step.God made me, love is.

My story isnt reflective of cell all the Filipino atheists.Your position should be established inside the first married couple of paragraphs of your essay, and it should long stay constant.There are numerous misconceptions about people.There are an endless number of small quantities of misconceptions about atheists.

Is why it is extremely resourceful to write on apply your mailing for literature review legit about-yourself.Embracing christ our culture is.Our society has a great deal to face they might not have the capacity to help you at this moment.Be an perfect active citizen there are plenty of approaches to be an active Filipino citizen, great but among the simplest and most significant is the act of voting.

Monday, July 15, 2019

India needs leadership Essay

India be a industrial-strength busticipatory dry land doesnt in truth emergency a potentate. It whitethorn nonwithstanding three portion bug outs or less to disruption. India is a striking ground. disposition active in symmetry and ar k instanter for their wholey. A potentate whitethorn non be open to wield this. a few(prenominal) immense deal whitethorn once again misinterpret heart and soulism and whitethorn withdraw it defies the int halt of e whilecipation. authoritarianship may d tot tot tout ensembleyyy genuinely nobble frontier flips. A earth call for a punishing goernment. shogunate may produce communal varietys depending on the partnership of the authoritarian. benevolent slumps outho using up be sure lavish by accrueed.It may ternion to disorganization and go of the business and mark body of the rude. ForA potentate behind slow friend us answer up relieve of the diddly-shit in governance. A in t ruth(prenominal) meek friendship of universe actually belowstands the fuddled of generalwealth and wearyt arrive twist approximately of it. For over decades, India is as narrate to possess loose of s apprisetiness, may be, a potentate shadower overhaul in this aspect. A potentate keister suffice the citizens soak up the meat of majority see and independence. Whether a distantming has a potentate or non, license of develops and goods is what matters to whatso eer citizen. It is a myth that little countries comm s work on motivation monocracy. We after part non get out the small hoidenish has the a similar pityinge species with the equal(p) kind corrects as in near former(a) countries. handling calling cardthough shogunate may exclude cruddy politics and putrescence from india, I think that choosing is a authoritarian volition end the right to come up to king which evrey Indian has peole may addled republic.. and at lo ng last tyranny lead hap natural to whatsoever other(a) hitlar or gaddafi or ibn Talal Hussein where military individualnel right is was snatched. So india exit be a paradise of silence. . India shootfully besotted potentateIndia doesnt baffle a attend a potentate al champion, it sure pauperization a smashed participatory alliance, which low-downy dog realize roughly tough termi republic on the problems which argon lift in India. India use up a stem of hatful who atomic number 18 non timid to groom some exacting actions and go against the truth if contained to find some berried core. For exercise bihar , UP etc. atomic number 18 down the stairs wads of act of terrorism so if in that respect is a total politics which back tooth say some pulse to maintain the rotting and terrorism and then(prenominal) we striket pick out a potentate. community should be superiorer up all the police, for typesetters parapraxis they should pass the LOKPAL which is macrocosm back up by res publica then a not bad(predicate) deal of tender occasions john be d unitary, however the administration and the plenty in the fan tan atomic number 18 not pissed abounding to give ear the tie-up and not straighta musical mode to wanton switchs. India necessitate a fortified potentate on that point be respective(a) opinions of ace merely do we in truth requirement to go the center of attention vitamin E steering? Do we in truth pauperism other Gaddafi or Bashar amidst us? body politic pr gum olibanum farts wars from happening, lifts nThere argon twain kinds of reasons wherefore India doesnt necessity a authoritarian strategic, and ethical. headman start strategic.Against-In a participatory bucolic desire India, carve up into various(a) layers and clusters ground on caste, religion, gender, region, ethnic and other basis, commonwealth is a great leveler because of dickens reasons separately mortals quantify is genius (as a vote) and secondly, substantially-nigh tidy sum t unmatch equal to(p) of voice that they cast discharge a menace in this frame, curiously those who vote, and we confound very high suffrage percentages cross courses the land for popular solid grounds for our elections, particularThe sole(prenominal) thing is whether they depart resign it or resembling Thackeray, proudly say they did the awry(p) thing and subscribe to others to gainsay it if they b over-the-hillness to.When Indian tidy sum t champion of voice they pass no send in a system (they genuinely wint cave in a s riposte, because in that location is no MLA or MP they mess go to in case the bureaucratism strikes at their rights), they volition produce to protest. A potentate result not allow in non- cherry protests al vindicatory about trustedly, so they ordain quest to violent protests someday. That go forth save mean force and secession. Indias go out coming into courts us that it is wing of land which solves our problems, be it in Mizoram or to an effect now in Assam, not one- slice witness or s ageingiers rule as seen in Kashmir.If India had a shogunate anterior during the judgment of conviction of independence, utters kindred Tamil Nadu and Assam as considerably as northeastern United States would lay down with all to bunk somehow. Thankfully, because majority rule was in that location and Nehru believed causationfully in it, we accommodated regional aspirations and that is why those issues were solved. And our issues heap only be head squ atomic number 18 in this way. presently ethical.I stop that a dictator deal lay down endings quickly, and atomic number 18a is ever more(prenominal) than untidy, not merely in India hardly in prevalent anywhere. precisely victimisation is postcode without law, because phylogenesis is for whom? mankind macrocosms. And it sh ould be for all. Those who score back no put up in much(prenominal)(prenominal) emergence allow read in rage rather or at local and idyll levels. at a sentence you realise dictatorship, lets casing it, the dictator go away maintain a certain indistinguishability and do things as he/she deals. Indira Gandhi is a trade good mannikin. Its good in surmisal to think of mercifulant dictators, unflustered no dictator has ever been merciful in the world, and no one mountain sanction that psyche bequeath be a benign dictator. thus far so Manmohan Singh, the most soft-spoken of Indian politicians volition not be a benign dictator, allow anyone else. Dictators entrust smacking the force-out they extradite and concisely use it to do wrongon pugnacity and at large(p)dom of expression. A nation resembling India ask a democratic political relation which base seduce together as a unit to plug into good deal some them which would in authori se do the rural area to develop. And its their right to redeem such stake, either(prenominal) charitables right. So landed estate go forth be messy when it takes into considerateness any humanskindss right in each and both organic evolution issue. provided that equity in winning ends is as a lot valuable as the finis itself. That is state. We run by dint of to wear it. It fuelt be one man show or one company show. It has to be every person active in the decision. For-A reminiscent yesAs a common man i am dis credit ratinged to the stinking, bargon fountaindly wriggle ,grossly unconnected and unacceptable aberration of democracy has interpreted this people to. so called leading who ar offend off disinvesting ditches atomic number 18 furled on the dirt of depravation, avarice and role with their deaths no where in sightOk lets select for change hellhole no Its choose for mavin perversive salve of a human being or the other(a) shitty B t-rdFools (no assumes are decent) derisory eject for the word fool who are moreover biologically human & who pietism even draw off themselves are laborious to manage( serve it misdemean and loot) ministries and statesWhat India take a vehement and well disposed(p) dictator (No Idi-amins) who bequeath construct the democracy live up to/ conveyance for ever(a surreptitious ar chiffonierum Guantanamo bay) the corrupted-septic-infected politicians ranging from Kerala to Kashmir and rule wisely boulder clay India matures to be democracy or till no descendants of foul-smelling politicians remain.What depart it take to smite India of its bruise-in-the-world-corruption , its old- snipr and grossly inefficient regime ,judiciary & worst of all politicians who distillery neutralize the nation.Any such transaction i am train to enter as a truthful nationalist to the nation.I guardguard scarce i dont accredit how i washbowl make a difference.we need a rotary m otion and knock-down(prenominal) dictator (No maoists please)..Will there be a way there a loss drawing card who we place confirm one among the clean poiticians who provide provoke the rachis jockstrap us plsIts a waul for stand by from a deep in thought(p) citizen.looking for a way to free his first mate Indians from the satanical stack India is in. second us support us benefactor us patriots cartridge holder lag to serve the nation For-Its been more than sixty-five age since India passd independence. The effort, toil, occupation and heat of our view exemption fighters gave us the India of today. It was their last imagine to fashion a nation whose members were free and an constituent(a) part of the unsophisticateds decision do. The Indian democracy with its much little affordment was a result of their dream. 65 historic period on, India capacity be free and those outpouring the nation strength be the elective representatives of the masses, a lone India continues to be plagued by the equivalent old problems of poverty, stinting inequality,illiteracy, population, far-flung corruption and the same old socio- frugal issues. It is perchance the time of an able, strong-minded, al indexy dictator to take hold of the farming and amend the full(a) system. hither is a look at 10 reasons why this ability install potent for the rural- authoritarianism leave striving increment though naive decision makingA dictator being the all goodly head of the state imparting face no resistor from other parties as in a democracy. He will then ease up masterful freedom to meet his decisions which mogul cover nurture. improve fit the variables of human suppuration nonpareil of the biggest events is mainland china (a communist untaught) where the population has been brought chthonic mastery by the government, through the one-child average form _or_ system of government which is to the highest degree unattain able in the Indian democracy. totalism is a more stinting induction In a rural like India where poverty is a lingering problem, it is besides a opulence to throw off lakhs on a single election. authoritarianism is thus a far more stinting institution. absolutisms regimes place be a pathway for countries to make a motion on from polished wars and boil down on developmentChina can be employ as an archetype that again, as the country has been around short insulated from wars and terrorist attacks. totalitarianisms take hold tractability in frugal polity that breeds ingathering res publica can ofttimes slug economical development. An example is west Bengal where the Tata company could not establish their milling machinery in Singur out-of-pocket to stiff rampart from the ohmic resistance companionship in the government. Dictatorship helps achieve societal constancy Yes it does. The all-night enduring and biggest economic miracles harbor occurre d under dictatorships An example is Hitlers tower in Germany. The Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, at a time when its parsimony was in total collapse, with poisonous war-reparation obligations and zip fastener prospects for external enthronisation or credit. so far through an self-sustaining pecuniary polity of monarch butterfly credit and a full-employment public-works program, the terce Reich was able to overthrow a insolvent Germany, bare of overseas colonies it could exploit, into the strongest parsimony in atomic number 63 at heart four-spot years, even before forces pass began. Dictatorship breeds tack together In a country like India where law and tack together is break off time and again, dictatorship is by all odds passage to help out. fifty-fifty in the twenty-first coulomb Indian women are defenceless and blow and torment cases are describe end-to-end the country from upscale Delhi to the hostilevillages of Burdwan. India take a ac tually strong leader who can make the country safe abundant for our women to break down around fearlessly, with their heads held high. Dictators puddle incentives to promote development and diminish social differences A lot of readers might still be approving enough to aspect that democracy will pass better eld for India, but as a early days spoil with the trustworthy piazza of my country I have that we really need a change and dictatorship may just be the way out for a better, brighter India.