Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Happiest Days of Your Life Essay Example for Free

The Happiest Days of Your Life Essay Normally you would think, that parents would have the best interest and intensions for their children. And parents, who are very ambitious on behalf of their children, are often a good prerequisite for the kids to get really far in a prestigious world. But at the same time any parent must also be careful, that the excessive pressure of expectations and so early defined objectives do not take away the play of childhood and at a later stage the child’s wish to formulate own goals of life. If your parent’s devote to invest themselves, their time and savings to pursue the ambition they carry on behalf of their child – which more often than not are projections of own lost ambitions – it is a very big burden for any child to carry. A 3rd person limited omniscient narrator tells Penelope Lively’s short story, from Charles point of view. But the narrator is partly an omniscient narrator, because we are very familiar with Charles emotions. Normally would a non-omniscient objective 3rd person narrator never know that Charles feels like the floor under him is shaking and the walls beside him is moving (p. 65 l. 7-9). Most of the story takes place on Preparatory School St. Edwards, and of course back and forth in the car. We are not told, when the story exactly is taking place. So it could have happened yesterday or many years ago. The environment in the story seems to be the upper class of society, which is clearly seen in this quote from the text; â€Å"She worked over the headmaster’s wife from shoes to hairstyle, pricing and assessing. Shoes old but expensive Russel and Bromley.Good skirt. Blouse could be Marks and Sparks not sure. Real pearls. Super Victorian ring.† (p. 63 l. 9-13). A normal middle-class woman could not name a price and a brand on what a random woman is wearing from head to toe. It shows us, that she properly belongs to the upper class herself. The lack of communication between Charles and his parents contribute to his parent’s lack of knowledge to know how Charles feels. And the lacks of knowledge result in they don’t recognize or understand that Charles actually doesn’t want to go to the school. But the problem is Charles parents are so busy trying to achieve all these things for their son, which they might not have had the opportunity to get, when they were at his age. There is nothing wrong with being ambitious for your children, but while the parents are very busy being just that, the consequences are that Charles disappears more and more in the background. They hear only what they would like to hear they close their eyes to reality. Charlie is around 6-13 years, since he is attending Preparatory School in the UK. You can feel that he’s really nervous. You certainly feel it when he sits in the car. He won’t eat the chocolate or read his comics. He is completely silent throughout visiting the school and just keeps on following the adult around the school halls, without saying a single word. I find the strongest signal on how Charles feels about starting at the school, when an echo of a boys voice saying he will mash him next term, running through his head. Another proof or signal that he’s hesitant is, when you see that he doesn’t respond or take actions when his mother asks; Would you like to go there, Charles? . Charles does not Anwar His face is haggard with anticipation, ` Next year, well mash you .. (p. 65 l 23-28). This excerpt from the text shows that although Charles is afraid of having to go to this school, then he’s to reluctant to say it. And yet another example on how Charles feelings is known; â€Å"A bell goes somewhere beyond doors and down corridors, and suddenly the children are all gone, clattering away and leaving him there with the heaving floor and the walls that shift and swing.† (p. 65 l. 7-9) He feels like the fear is getting out of hand. He does not thrive. He shuts everything out, but inside he is about to burst. His physical condition is there, but his mental state is not there. His mental state flees to a dreamlike state. And the dream-like state creates a kind of protection for him. Because he knows he can’t say it to anyone and certainly not to his parents. For no one is listening and if you are pressed enough, then these sorts of situations and circumstances will arise. The story reflects the difficulties of growing up. I don’t think the parents are even near to chose the right school for Charles. If it was the right school, then he wouldn’t be feeling as he does. You never know how the situation will turn out – he might get some good friends or he might go through hell and being bullied by the other boys all the time. That’s at least what he thinks; â€Å"The child does not answer. He looks straight ahead of him, at the road coiling beneath the bonnet of the car. His face is haggard with anticipation.  ´Next term, we’ll mash you†¦Ã‚ ´Ã¢â‚¬ . (p. 65 l 23-28). I think the title of the story is meant in an ironic way. I believe that the reason it’s called â€Å"The happiest days of your life† and not â€Å"The happiest days of my life† is because you always hear it from the parent’s perspective. They think the school is amazing and Charles is going to be so happy to go there. They never let Charles decide for himself. And I think the title of the story is based on the way his parents treats him.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Animal Farm and A Modest Proposal Essay -- Animal Farm A Modest Propos

Animal Farm and A Modest Proposal Although 'Animal Farm' and 'A Modest Proposal' were written over two hundred years apart, and one is non-fiction and the other is not, there are distinct similarities between the two. Both of the pieces are political, with 'Animal Farm' based on the Russian Revolution, and 'A Modest Proposal' based on the situation of homelessness in Ireland. Also, both of the pieces are satirical. Animal Farm ridicules the ordinary Russian people for being gullible, and 'A Modest Proposal' mocks politicians who ignore sensible suggestions and come up with extreme ones. In the build up to his speech, Old Major first clears his throat, to gain all of the animals' attention. The fact that all he has to do is clear his throat to do this, gives the impression that he is authoritative, and in control. We are given the idea that the other animals respect him. In the following paragraph, Old Major mentions a dream, but he says "I will come to the dream later". The dream is the whole reason the meeting has been called, and by saying that he will talk about it later holds all of the animals in suspense. They are willing to listen to what he has to say, to hear about the dream. He also mentions his imminent death, which will gain the audience's sympathy, and again make them listen. To guarantee that the animals are going to listen to him, he says that he will "pass onto to you such wisdom as I have acquired". This makes it seem like everything he is going to tell them is wise, true and worth listening to. In the third paragraph of his speech, he is brutally honest, and works up the animals, to get them angry. He tells them "our lives are miserable, laborious and short". This is the 'problem'. He then tells them the 'sol... their bastard children; alas!" Again though, Swift uses a lot less exclamation marks than Old Major. This is mainly because his piece is meant to be formal. Both Old Major and Swift use alliteration in the pieces to make themselves sound stylish and eloquent. In one part of his speech, Old Major says " as sure as I see this straw " The repetition of the 's' makes certain words in that sentence stand out, making his message more clear. Swift says "Four females". Although Old Major's speech and 'A Modest Proposal' were written over two hundred years apart, they both use very similar techniques and development of their argument to get their point across. Both of the pieces are politically based and satirical, both use formal and emotive language, differing sentence types and structures and in sparse amounts, alliteration. This makes their arguments fairly similar.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Leadership Through Followership: Examining the Life of Edith Cavell

Leadership through Followership: Examining the Life of Edith Cavell During her final hours in the clutches of the German forces during the First World War, Edith Louisa Cavell summarized her life’s work with the famous quote, â€Å"I realize that patriotism is not enough; I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. † These words capture not only the spirit of who Edith Cavell was and what she stood for; they embody the very essence of what it means to be a nurse. Theorists and scholars alike have stated that the core component of the nursing profession is caring. To Edith Cavell, caring knew no boundaries, and thus, neither did her nursing expertise. While it is correct to view Edith Cavell and her heroic actions during her life through the lens of leadership, one would be remiss should they choose to ignore the contributions she made to nursing and her country by being an exemplary follower. This essay will briefly explore the life of Edith Cavell and demonstrate how her actions and personal characteristics contributed to her ability to be an effective follower and thus, a visionary leader. Background Edith Louisa Cavell was born on December 4th, 1865, in Swardeston parish in the county of Norfolk in Eastern England. She was raised in a household comprised of strict Anglican beliefs enforced by her father, Reverend Frederick Cavell. It has been written that no books were allowed in the house except for the bible. Her devout religious faith would prove to be the guiding force behind her charity during her life. She began to train as a nurse in 1900 at the age of twenty at the London Hospital. Seven years later, she was recruited to become the matron of Berkendael Medical Institute in Brussels, Belgium. Not impressed with the current state of nursing in Belgium at the time, she sought to improve standards and regulate certain elements of practice by becoming an influential nurse educator. After the eruption of the First World War in 1914, Cavell vacated her again-home of England and returned to Belgium to resume her position as matron of the Berkendael Medical Institute, which had been converted by the Red Cross into a military hospital allowing the treatment of both German and Allied soldiers (Duffy, 2011). Despite Belgium’s declared neutrality, the country was promptly invaded and occupied by strict German forces. Cavell, knowing the inherent dangers of war, retained her post and continued to treat the sick and wounded. Knowing that many British soldiers were now trapped in German-occupied Belgium, her efforts were soon directed at assisting surrounded these British soldier’s in their return to England. Cavell was subsequently responsible for the safe removal of over 200 Allied soldiers from Belgium between 1914 and 1915. She provided shelter in safe houses, as well as false identification papers and guides out of the country. Unfortunately, she came under suspicion by the German military. This was not helped by her outspoken views on the perceived injustice of the German occupation (Tejvan, 2010). Cavell was apprehended by German authorities and eventually succumbed to interrogations. She was charged with treason and sentenced to death. Worldwide condemnation of the verdict (and the fact that she treated German and Allied soldiers indiscriminately) did little to detour the German military’s decision. Wearing a nursing uniform, Edith Cavell was executed by firing squad on the morning of Oct. 2, 1915. Global outrage ensued shortly thereafter. American and British mourners were particularly sensitive towards Cavell’s unjust execution; it ignited anti-German sentiment from both Americans and the British, serving as the catalyst for worldwide press coverage sympathetic towards the United States and Britain’s forthcoming war effort (Fee & Roth, 2010, pp. 1865-1866). Followership Behaviour The concepts of leadership and followership are deeply intertwined (Grayson & Speckhart). Edith Cavell’s traits as a follower allowed her to be an effective leader. The term follower is open to subjective interpretation, yet one particularly helpful definition is â€Å"[an individual] that follows the teachings and/or opinions of another† (Merriam-Webster, 2011). Grossman and Valiga have further expanded on the word ‘follower’ and have coined the term â€Å"effective follower† (2009, p. 41). In contrast to the above definition, the effective follower â€Å"functions independently, thinks critically about ideas that are proposed or directions that are suggested, and [is] actively involved† (Grossman & Valiga, 2009, p. 1). They further suggest that effective followers have six common characteristics also possessed by effective leaders: assertiveness, determination, courage, an ability to act as a change agent, openness to new ideas and willingness to challenge ideas, and a willingness to serve (2009, p. 44). Edith Cavell displayed all of the above traits at one point or another during her lifetime which suggests she was an effective follower, and therefore, an effective leader. Edith Cavell was assertive, determined, and courageous. In defiance of the Red Cross’s code of non-military involvement (2011) as well as German military code of conduct, she continued to smuggle British men out of occupied Belgium despite knowing in full that a sentence of death by court martial was the penalty. Upon capture and interrogation by the German military, she confessed in full to her alleged crimes of treason, a testament to not only her courageous nature but her rigid abidance to her values. She continued to serve her country despite knowing it could possibly end in her demise. On a less dramatic note, she was a proponent of increasing the value placed on not only nurses but women in general. Doing this during a time when women’s issues were considered less important than men’s required ample courage. This is also consistent with the following point. Edith Cavell demonstrated effective followership behaviour (thus effective leadership behaviour) by being open to new ideas, possessing a willingness to challenge ideas, and acting as a change agent (Grossman & Valiga, p. 44). Her willingness to challenge ideas was demonstrated by her public protest of the German occupation of Belgium and distain of German treatment of Allied soldiers. She acted as a change agent by inventing ways to smuggle Allied soldiers out of the country. Cavell also demonstrated these three behaviours during her stint as matron for the Berkendael Medical Institute. As described previously, she was unimpressed with what were current nursing standards in Brussels. For example, she instituted the practice of follow-up home visits for patients following discharge (Ryder, 1975). Cavell hypothesized that this would prevent readmissions, which indeed it did. It can also be said that Cavell was a foreword thinker on her views on gender. She was once quoted as saying, â€Å"The old idea that it is a disgrace for women to work is still held in Belgium and women of good birth and education still they think lose [status] by earning their own living†, suggesting that even in the early portion of the 20th century, Edith Cavell believed the notion of women being excluded from the workforce was antiquated. Lastly, Cavell possessed a â€Å"willingness to serve† (Grossman & Valiga, 2009, p. 4). Grossman and Valiga suggest that loyalty is one trait commonly held by effective followers (2009, p. 44-45). Cavell was loyal and ‘served’ in two ways. First, she was extremely religious. As mentioned prior, she was raised in a strict Anglican household under the supervision of her pastor father, and thus was loyal to the teachings of Christianity. There exist two key elements inherently rooted in any religion: followership and caring. If one abides by the definition of followership stated prior then individuals practicing a religion, as was Edith Cavell, are followers. One of the core messages common to all biblical scripture, regardless of the chosen religion, is one of caring for other people and creating nurturing environments. Cavell’s selflessness was ultimately spurred on by her unwavering commitment and loyalty to the teachings of her religion. To demonstrate her faith, it has been said that during the two weeks she spent in solitary confinement prior to her execution the only books she requested were the Holy Bible and The Imitation of Christ, a medieval volume of meditations that emphasizes self-abnegation and suffering (Shaddox, 1999, p. ). Second, she had a willingness to serve her country. In addition to being a devout Christian, Cavell was a dedicated patriot. She possessed a love and devotion for Great Britain rivalled by few. This was demonstrated by her loyalty to her fatherland even in the face of formidable danger. It is interesting to note that this sense of patriotism was seemingly abandoned during her final hours of imprisonment by the German military, in which she uttered the famous quote mentioned at the beginning of this essay. Implications for Nursing The life of Edith Cavell impacted the nursing profession in a number of ways. On a superficial level, multiple hospitals and schools have been named in her honour (see Appendix). She was also in influential in the early creation of professional nursing journals. During her stint as matron in Brussels, she was credited with the launch of L'infirmiere, which documented proper nursing standards and practices (Tejvan, 2010). It can be said, however, that her greatest contribution may not have come in life, but in death. While execution by firing squad lays in the extreme, she continues to serve as a symbol to nurses and non-nurse’s alike as to the level of personal sacrifice and emotional dedication many nurses put into the profession every day. This was presumably never her original intention, but through martyrdom Edith Cavell will forever live as an inspiration to all nurses in the annals of nursing history. Conclusion Edith Cavell is an important figure in nursing history. Her ability to lead was preceded by her ability to demonstrate effective followership skills. Her patriotism and devout faith, both of which are rooted in the concept of followership, provided the foundation for many of her life’s endeavours. Ultimately, though, it was her loyalty to her fellow person which proved to be the true motivation behind her actions. Nurses everywhere can proudly use Edith Cavell as a role model for their nursing endeavours, and will hopefully use her story for inspiration to care without borders.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Second Grade Science Fair Projects

Second-graders tend to be very curious. Applying that natural inquisitiveness to a science fair project can yield great results. Look for a natural phenomenon that interests the student and have him or her ask questions about it. Expect to help a second-grade student plan the project, and offer guidance with a report or poster. While its always nice to apply the scientific method, its usually OK for second-graders to make models or perform demonstrations that illustrate scientific concepts. Here are some ideas appropriate for second-graders: Food These are experiments with things we eat: What factors affect the rate at which foods spoil? You can test heat, light, and humidity.Identify the characteristics that distinguish a fruit from a vegetable. Next, use these characteristics to group different produce items.Test eggs for freshness using the float test. Does it always work?Do all types of bread grow the same types of mold?What is the best liquid for dissolving a gummy bear? Try water, vinegar, oil, and other common ingredients. Can you explain the results?Do raw eggs and hard-boiled eggs spin the same length of time and number of times?A mint makes your mouth feel cool. Use a thermometer to see if it actually changes the temperature. Environment These experiments focus on processes in the world around us: Put a pair of old socks over your shoes and go for a walk in a field or a park. Remove the seeds that attach to the socks and try to figure out how they attach to animals and what the plants they come from might have in common.Why doesnt the ocean freeze? Compare the effects of motion, temperature, and wind on freshwater compared with salt water.Collect insects. What types of insects live in your environment? Can you identify them?Do cut flowers last longer if you put them in warm water or cold water? You can test how effectively flowers are drinking water by adding food coloring to it and using white flowers, such as carnations. Do flowers drink warm water faster, slower, or at the same rate as cold water?Can you tell from todays clouds what tomorrows weather will be?Collect a few ants. What foods most attract ants? Least attract them? Household These experiments are about how things work around the house: Do clothes take the same length of time to dry if you add a dryer sheet or fabric softener to the load?Do frozen candles burn at the same rate as candles that were stored at room temperature?Are waterproof mascaras really waterproof? Put some mascara on a sheet of paper and rinse it with water. What happens? Do eight-hour lipsticks really keep their color that long?What type of liquid will rust a nail the quickest? You could try water, orange juice, milk, vinegar, peroxide, and other common household liquids. Miscellaneous Here are experiments in various categories: Do all students take the same size steps (have the same stride)? Measure feet and strides and see if there seems to be a connection.Do most students have the same favorite color?Take a group of objects and categorize them. Explain how the categories were selected.Do all students in the class have the same size hands and feet as each other? Trace outlines of hands and feet and compare them. Do taller students have larger hands and feet or does height not seem to matter?